Talk to JUPAS courses like talking to a friend
Be Bold, Aim High. We’re Here Every Step of the Way.
使用我們的AI JUPAS 選課機器人,為學生,家長和教師提供更便利和容易獲取的選課方式!
如何操作 ? How to start?
1使用WhatsApp 發訊息
+852 4703 9206
Send a message to +852 4703 9206 in WhatsApp
2輸入開始命令 !start
Type !start in the message
Message the chatbot with your questions!
常見問題 FAQs
系統支援 那幾種語言?
WhatsApp 平台 JUPAS 聊天機器人
Type " !start " and begin
Share your views with us.
- 本服務由Hoplite Technology Limited 提供並不代表JUPAS 辦公室, 各個教育機構及院校. 詳細及正確資料學生應直接聯絡JUPAS 網站https://www.jupas.edu.hk/en/
- AI產生之內容為人工智能按網上資料自動生成未經人手批改及核實.
- 交談記錄,如發現異常或不合法的內容將交給執法單位處理.
- This service is provided by Hoplite Technology Limited and is not affiliated with the JUPAS Office, educational institutions, or universities. For detailed and accurate information, students should directly refer to the JUPAS website at https://www.jupas.edu.hk/en/.
- The AI-generated content is automatically created based on online information and has not been manually reviewed or verified.
- Conversation records may be referred to law enforcement authorities if any abnormal or illegal content is detected.
Hoplite Technology Limited
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